Just listening to Sunday Worship5.2.23 some bloke called pastor Volney It was a concophony of painful screaming supposed t o be gospel music. Also a woman talking about talking body parts!!!!!
Robert Drepaul14.12.2022
I am listening to the Radio 4 Reef Lectures on the Freedom from Want by Darren Garvey. Is Creativity a basic Human Right , which encapsulates the right to hope and the right to dream ?
test revival22.10.2022
supposed to be a talk station but more and more music creeping in.
high amount of time allocated to promoting guilt using underprivelaged race/refugee/sexuality third world issues. Gives the impression bbc listeners are bunch of demented victims in group therapy. Put something decent on like the successful deportation of one fighting age rapist asylum seeker/mugger criminal.
Husna Aida Abdul Karim10.02.2022
I love this radio
Мидхат Фархутдинов21.12.2021
Самое тупое радио. Все время говорит о лжепандемии. Нет нормальных разговоров по сезону. Например, на Рождественские разговоры уделяют в 10 раз меньше внимания, чем новому богу-вирусу.
János Szegéd03.12.2021
BBC used to be a really fine source of information, entertainment, culture, and drama. And now? Your are still resolving some stupid islamic, gender and immigrant issues, non-existing racism and absolutely forgetting european cultural standards and traditions -instead of these supidities you should solve reversed racism, disadvantegemnt of hard working and educated individuals agains favoured moslem a afro groups with medieval opinions and also violence on women, guess who brought it to Europe...It is a pitty...
yes yes20.10.2021
there was a program about sex on lastnight It was disgusting.Fortunately... with Fi and Jane was about masturbation and pleasuring yourself.
BBC Radio 4 is a radio station owned and operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that broadcasts a wide variety of spoken-word programmes including news, drama, comedy, science and history.
Radio 4 programmes cover a wide variety of genre including news and current affairs, history, culture, science, religion, arts, drama and light entertainment. A number of the programmes on Radio 4 take the form of a "magazine" show, featuring numerous small contributions over the course of the programme—Woman's Hour, From Our Own Correspondent, You and Yours. The rise of these magazine shows is primarily due to the work of Tony Whitby, controller of Radio 4 from 1970 to 1975.
The station hosts a number of long-running programmes, many of which have been broadcast for over 40 years.